When we work with our airline partners we become part of the airline’s team. We become experts in their product portfolio, network and schedules. We can demonstrate, via our teams in the field, that through partnership we know where business opportunities are to be found and that we are able to execute the sale.
HAE subscribes to a variety of data sources to understand where the business exists, at what rate level and all the latest local market trends. HAE maintains a large active trading client base, has an in depth knowledge of their key trade lanes and is active in high volumes of activity with them.
We offer sales, operational and customer service to our airlines clients, to match their standards. We target yield, load factor and constant improvement to give the airline maximum opportunity in any given market. We support this through our own web-based sales portal which drives our reporting, administration, booking, finance & administration.
HAE can create new business opportunities and revenue streams for our airline partners. HAE deploys a focused strategy of non-conflicting products by introducing interline partnerships giving access to new markets. This can be done online or offline to drive sales.